Our Mission: Organize. Engage. Advocate. Elect.
The New Jersey Young Democrats (in conjunction with the NJDSC Youth Caucus) is the official youth arm of the New Jersey Democratic State Committee. From ages 14-40, our members are making a difference at all levels of government. From grassroots activists to governmental staffers to elected officials, the NJ Young Dems are working to effect progressive change in the great State of New Jersey.
Thank you for visiting our website. Take a look around and join a chapter in your county. We look forward to engaging with you as we lead the next generation of civic-minded Democrats in the State of New Jersey.
NJYD 2025 Convention & Elections
Greetings, Young Democrats! We humbly invite county chapter representatives to join us for our convention on Saturday, February 8th at 11:30am at TCNJ. Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman will be facilitating elections for the 2025-2027 Executive Board. To view the candidates, please go here. County chapters in good standing will have the ability to vote. After elections take place, county chapters will meet in their respective regions, and the state chapter will provide updates.
2024 Endorsement & Support Lists
This election season, the New Jersey Young Democrats (NJYD) is proud to endorse 42 young Democratic candidates through the age of 40 and support 51 candidates 41 and over. NJYD’s endorsements and support do not denote and are not an exhaustive list of all campaigns NJYD supports in New Jersey; these lists comprise those exclusively who applied for NJYD’s endorsement or support. View the lists and read the full press release here.
Message From The President: Black Lives Matter Statement
This year has been devastating for our nation, especially for communities of color. As a Black woman in this climate, I have seen enough to last me a lifetime. As president of the New Jersey Young Democrats, I want to express our collective outrage towards the senseless violence that has taken George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and too many other Black lives. During this pandemic, which is already disproportionately affecting Black and Brown communities, we must speak out.
There has been no greater threat to Black lives than violence being inflicted at the hands of the state — through the blatant violence by police and through centuries of policy that have systematically oppressed Black people since before the founding of this country. But it does not end there. We are strong, persistent, and powerful. And we not only demand justice but call for new laws to be created that will show real consequences for hate and violent actions towards people of color. Throughout the state and country, we are banning together to make it known that we will not tolerate hatred, racism, and violence.
I highly encourage you to support your local Black-led organizations in a joint effort to stand in solidarity. And to check on your Black membership, supporters, friends, and colleagues. Now, more than ever, we must stand together as we confront the harsh reality that faces us. There is healing in unity.
Thank you to our leaders, volunteers, and supporters who are continuing to take action and make your voices heard during these troubling times. - NJYD President Fatima Heyward