Dear Young Democrat,
Do you look great in cowboy boots and ten gallon hats? Perhaps the idea of the rodeo in America’s heartland gets you going. Or just maybe, you have had enough with the assault on our democratic values and attacks by our president on beliefs that are quintessentially American.
If any of these fit, perhaps you will join us at the Young Democrats of America National Convention in Dallas Texas from August 9th – 12th.
Every two years we gather to set a national agenda, elect representatives, and further develop professional and personal democratic relationships, all while showing how New Jersey is the national leader in basically everything. (Latter part is a proven fact!)
What: Young Democrats of America National Convention
When: August 9th – 12th 2017
Where: The Westin Galleria, Dallas TX
Who: We Want You!
Why: As we set the national agenda for Young Democrats, it is critical that New Jersey’s voice is heard and appropriately represented. Also – one of our own is running for Women’s Caucus Chair and it is critical we deliver the votes to secure her victory.
As we are putting together our delegation we would like to gauge interest. If you are interested in joining us on this trip please complete the form here:
Big Question: How Much Will This Trip Cost?
I’m glad you asked! Obviously, the cost of a national convention in the midst of a Gubernatorial and Legislative election year is not cheap. However, it is our hope that our delegation leadership team will be able to secure the funding to cover the majority of costs (flights, hotel, registration). More information on this will be circulated to those interested in attending.
Do you want to learn a little bit more? Perhaps you want to help organize? Or maybe you just want the emails to finally end? If you do I would love to hear from you!
Important Links:
Info on YDA National Convention
Thanks again and please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or get involved.
Michael Makarski
North Jersey Vice President
2017 NJ Delegation Chairperson
Former National Committeeman
Email Writer Extraordinaire
Giant Foam Texas Hat Model
But seriously, if you want to learn more:
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